Eighty One Ltd is a company in Vicenza (Italy), main area in northeast Italy for silverware and goldsmith production, which deals in the same field commercializing about ten thousands items from its catalogue - result of an accurate and specialized selection within the market exclusively made in Italy. Eighty One was established on 6th January 1981 by the main shareholder Florido Dal Zovo who first started the business in small premises in the heart of Vicenza.
Thanks to many years’ work, to Florido dal Zovo’s interest, devotion and business abilities, to the human and professional progress of his team, and to the special care applied to the commercialized items’selection, Eighty one company pioneered the way in the field.
Eighty one holds a prominent position in silver costume jewellery, and the reputation acquired over the years such as the careful attention paid to the various stages of production and to customer care, made it possible to reach significant outcome.
The friendly business relationship established with suppliers, the feeling for beauty, the know how and the technical acquaintance of the field’s issues , allow to overcome easily all difficulties and to meet the requirements of a competitive market.
Eighty One jewellery is marketed throughout the world and in a particular way in The United States where a preferential relationship with customers induced to enter into regular business and to expand great part of the items’ commercialization.